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Rewards Widget Customization

How to implement and customize your Store Credit Rewards Widget

Hila Butbul avatar
Written by Hila Butbul
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will find:

The Rewards Widget

The Rewards Widget will appear on most of the pages of your website and will act as the first channel for your customers to interact with your loyalty program. Here, customers can learn about all promotions running in your store and find their loyalty balance & code.

Access the Rewards Widget tab:

  1. Go to the Loyalty assets tab in your Rise dashboard

  2. Click Customize in the Reward Widget box.

You'll be directed to the customization page:

Customizing the Rewards Widget:

Body tab:

You can customize the appearance and the text of the different cards that appear in the widget.

Please note that you must customize both the Member and Visitor option in each section within this tab, as they appear differently for both cases.

  • Header: Here you can customize the title and the subtitle of the widget.

  • Cards: there are different cards you can add to the widget, depending on the programs you have set up in your store.

For each card, you can choose to hide it and not present it in your widget, by clicking on the visibility toggle.

The different cards include:

  1. Account - This card will present customers’ loyalty balance and their loyalty code. For customers who are not signed in, it will direct them to sign in or registration page.

  2. Rewards Card - Customize the card's text, colors, and icons. You can add as many items as you wish based on your loyalty workflows.

  3. Referral Card- Here you can present your Referral program to your customers, and customers can copy their referral link to share with their friends and family.

In some fields we add placeholders such as- referral_link, customer_name, store_credit_code. If you'd like to add a placeholder, they all appear in the variable box at the bottom of the section. You can just copy the variable and paste it in the desired location.

You can change the order in which the different cards appear by dragging one of them up or down in the Body tab.

Template tab:

  • Theme - customize the general colors of the widget that will appear once opened.

  • Placement- customize the placement of the floating widget.

  • Launcher- customize the widget launcher’s icon, background colors, and text.

  • White label- remove the Rise logo from the widget (open to Pro plan and above).

  • Reset to default- reset the entire settings, both for general and sections tabs.

Implementing your Rewards Widget

Once you're finished, make sure to save your changes and publish the widget in your store by clicking the toggle. The widget will automatically appear in your site.

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