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Account Page Module Customization

How to implement and customize the Account Module in the Shopify account page

Hila Butbul avatar
Written by Hila Butbul
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will find:

  1. What is the account page module?

  2. How to customize the Account module that appears in the Shopify account page.

  3. How to implement the button and the pop-up.

What is the account page module?

Once you activate the account page module, the 'Store Credit' button will appear in your customers' Shopify account page.

Once opening the module the customer will be presented with their loyalty card code, the balance remaining on it and with any gift cards purchased for them.

In this module customers can merge gift cards into their loyalty card balance by clicking the plus icon. This will disable the gift card and add the credit on it into the loyalty card code, enabling a more smooth experience for your customers without the need to use multiple codes.

Customizing the account page module

Go to your Rise Dashboard -> Loyalty Assets tab and click on Customize in the Account module section:

This will direct you to the customization page:

This page includes 2 tabs:

1. Sections tab:

  1. Button text: change the text of the button that opens the pop-up

  2. Header Title and Subtitle: the text of the title and subtitle at the top of the pop-up. Make sure not to edit the variables {loyalty_card_code} and {loyalty_card_balance}.

  3. Add Store Credit - editing the text when clicking on add store credit to the loyalty card.

  4. Table- editing the column titles text.

2. General tab:

  1. Background colors- change the color of the pop-up background 

  2. Card color - change the color of the card that opens when presenting store credit.

  3. Primary color - change the primary text color.

  4. Button color - change the color of the Add Store Credit button in the card

  5. Link color- change the color of the add store credit link

  6. Font - choose one of our available fonts.

  7. Reset to defaults- reset all of the settings to default, both for the general and the sections tabs.

How to implement the Account page Module: 

Once you're finished, make sure to save your changes and activate using the toggle. This will insert the Store Credit button in your Shopify account page that will open the account page module.

If the Store Credit button doesn't appear automatically in the account page, you will need to manually insert the button. You can learn how to do so here.

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