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Workflow Actions

Explanation and examples of automatic actions for sending Store Credit Rewards and segmenting your customers.

Sam from Rise avatar
Written by Sam from Rise
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will find:

What are the workflow actions?

Actions are different options to reward/segment your customers, when the trigger and conditions are met.

How to select an action

After setting up a trigger and conditions for your workflow, it’s time to choose an action to take once the conditions are met. To choose an action, click on “Add action”:

Possible actions

1. Issue Store Credit

Once conditions are met, store credit will be issued automatically. You can set the rewarded store credit to be issued in a number of ways:

  • Fixed: A fixed amount of store credit will be sent if the conditions are met.

  • Percentage of: Store credit will be issued as a percentage of the value type selected. You can give back a percentage from the total cart value, subtotal cart value (the order value without shipping and tax) or a percentage back from the value of certain items in the cart.

  • For every: For every $X spent in one purchase, reward $Y. You can have this action apply to the total cart value, the subtotal cart value, item price (the value of certain items at the cart) or total spent (the total spent in your store during the customer's lifetime).

    Please note:

    • When using collection ID, the collection must be a manual collection and not an automatic one.

    • When using the collection ID or the subtotal price option, the reward will be given according to item price, meaning if there is a discount, the reward will be given according to the price before discount.

    • The "total spent" option will take into account the customer's total spent in their lifetime, since activating the workflow.

    • Expiration date - You can set an expiration date for your store credit by checking ‘add expiration date’ box. The expiration date can be either fixed (e.g: 05/13/2020) or dynamic (e.g: 30 days from creation). If you set a fixed date, the credit will be expired at 11:59 PM in the timezone your store is located, if choose the dynamic expiration then it expires at the same time the reward was issued.

2. Issue Limited Store Credit 

Limit the store credit rewards so that they can only be applied to specific collections. To do this, simply insert the collection ID for which you would like the Store Credit to work. 

You can retrieve the collection ID from the URL of the collection page on your Shopify admin:

The credit rules are the same as the ‘Issue store credit’ action (see above).

Please note:

  • The limited store credit is given on a separate code and not in the loyalty card code, meaning customers can't accumulate these rewards on one code and the credit also won't appear in the different store assets.

  • The credit can't be used with other discounts in the same checkout and can't be applied on shipping and tax.

3. Add Customer Tags

Add a new tag to a customer. For example: Add a “Gold” tag to a customer with a lifetime spent of more than $2000.

4. Add Delay

Any action that you choose to apply, will be delayed by the amount of time you choose.

Please note- You must insert the delay action first out of all the actions, otherwise, it won’t apply.


  • You can add multiple actions for each case, such as “Issue Store Credit” and “Add customer tag”:

Once you’ve finished adding an action to your workflow, make sure you save and enable the flow, so it will be active and running at your store.

Got any feature ideas? 

Feel free to add them to this feature request form. 

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Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or in the chat box 

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