In this article you will learn:
How the & Gorgias integration works
How to activate the Integration in Gorgias
How to activate the integration in Rise
Please note that the integration is available from the Premium plan and above. For more details, please feel free to contact us.
* For Gorgias, the integration can be implemented starting from the Basic plan.
How the & Gorgias integration works -
The & Gorgias integration allows merchants to:
Preview a customer's store credit balance and loyalty card number.
Issue store credit directly from Gorgias support tickets by selecting predefined credit amounts (e.g., $10, $20) for compensation.
Please note: To view a customer's loyalty card balance, the customer must already exist in Shopify and have a store credit balance greater than $0.
Store credit issued in Gorgias is automatically added to a customer's loyalty card balance with the associated Ticket ID and additional fields as shown below.
How to Activate the Integration in Gorgias -
Within your Gorgias dashboard, click on the Tickets dropdown menu > Settings > HTTP Integration.
Click on the Add HTTP Integration button.
In the Integration name field, enter Store Credit Data.
In the Description field, enter Display Store Credit Info for Customer.
Ensure all 5 events are selected in the Triggers section.
Copy paste and insert the URL below AND add YOUR URL at the end:{{}}&shop_url=YOUR SHOP URL
HTTP Method: GET
Response content type: application/json
In the Headers section insert:
x-rise-access-token | Rise Store Credit API Token (Request from CS ) |
Click Add Integration.
2. Navigate back to the top left screen, choose Tickets in the dropdown menu > Inbox > Create Ticket.
Add ticket subject, choose recipient, choose any generic macro, make sure the ticket is not left Unassigned, and click Send
Click on the cogwheel at the top left side of the screen
Scroll down to HTTP data - you will see the new integration name box has been created.
Drag it onto the right-hand widget menu bar
Click on Save Changes. You will now see the customer's current store credit balance, "Amount" and Loyalty Card Code, "Code".
How to activate the integration in Rise -
Create a custom trigger in the dashboard
Create a custom trigger in the dashboard with the following variables:
Name | Type | Path |
Customer Email | customer_email | |
Ticket_ID | Text | Ticket_ID |
agent | Text | agent |
amount | Number | amount |
Click on "Create Trigger" , save the trigger workflow URL for later, and click on "Finish".
If you would like to include additional data in the trigger payload, you can refer to the full list of variables in Gorgias (e.g., Ticket URL, Ticket subject, etc.).
To create a new Custom Trigger, follow these instructions:
3. Set up the Gorgias workflow
Click on 'Select Trigger' to select the Gorgias custom trigger you just created.
Click on 'Add action' and select "Issue Store Credit".
Fill the 'Type' setting on the left with: Percentage of, 100%, amount.
Add note:
Issued by {{Agent}}
Ticket ID: {{Ticket_ID}}
Don't forget to click 'Save' and toggle the workflow on once ready.
4. Create a button in the Gorgias widget with the following variables:
Click on “Add Button” in the Widget (on the right-hand side menu bar)
You will need to repeat these stages to create separate buttons for each store credit value (X=10, 20...)
Configure HTTP action:
Insert “Issue $10 Store Credit” in the Button title field. (Or Issue $20 Store Credit, Issue $30 Store Credit…)
Method: POST
Insert: URL of Rise Gorgias Trigger to send a request to trigger the workflow in Rise (the one you saved earlier on from you Rise workflow dashboard)
Click on "Add Parameter" and add the following:
Type Label Key Value
Text | amount | amount | X (insert numerical value) |
Text | customer_email | customer_email | {{}} |
Text | agent | agent | {{}} |
Text | Ticket_ID | Ticket_ID | {{}} |
Insert the Body (for $10 store credit)
"agent": "{{}}",
"amount": 10,
"Ticket_ID": "{{}}",
"customer_email": "{{}}"
Click “Save”.
Click “Save Changes” in the widget.
A button to “Issue $X Store Credit” will now appear in the widget.
Now if you return to the ticket you can click on Issue $10 Store Credit from the Rise Widget and the recipient will receive store credit from Rise.
Have more questions or any product feedback?
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or in the chat box.